
Letzter Login: 08.08.2009
almamae014 Profilbild
Name: alma mae
Alter: N/A
Gewicht: 45 kg
Größe: 5 cm
Orientierung: Heterosexuell
Geschlecht: N/A
Fakecheck Nein
Finanzielle Interessen Ja
Mitglied seit 08.08.2009
Benutzergruppe Frau
Über mich I am damn good-looking; I don't boast I just love to tell the truth!
I am a certified lovely lady.. And as my pictures show, I can be your most daring and hottest naughty partner..
I'm an addict chatter, I chat and chat all day long.. Come to think of it, am I not worth your company?
I Could tell some facts why do guys love me.. A bit personal yah, but I could tell you some of it!
My crazy stuffs! Yes it is! Shhttttt guys do know what I mean.. lol! More?
You know what I make guys hot and hard easily!
They'd be dead craving for my kiss, my body my touch and all of it! That's true!
I love to do things that will arouse my partner. Maybe we should talk more of that with my YM.
Add me up and crave for things you never imagine you could experience!
My add is almamae_reyes at yahoo dot com. I'd be waiting for interested guys who love challenges!
Have me if you do really want me!
Suche nach Mann,

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